Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cardio Time!

At least we don't have to call him "Sir". Today we did lots of the whole parking lot and then some other fun stuff including the "Indian" run. It's kind of like a bicycle pace line where you take turns at the front, but in this case instead of falling off the front you sprint up from the end of the line.

We did some partner stuff with the bands and more partner cardio type stuff. I have the best partner - Pat. She always shows up and always makes me laugh. Then there is that new game "Guess that tune". Mmmmm..... I guess my satellite radio on talk stations isn't getting me any help in that game.

We did have to do the dreaded push-ups today. Pat says she can't do them, but she does all of them without even groaning. It must be those motorcycle muscles she uses. She also seems really strong in her core. I couldn't decide which I hated worse - push-ups or the plank. Then Roy tells us a push-up is actually a plank with motion. Ugh... no wonder I don't like either. But it should make us stronger. I wonder if that will take care of those bingo wings us older ladies tend to have.

Hey, today I learned what an apex is. And we thought it was the path during our turn on our motorcycles.

Tommorrow the girls will have to do the hill without us I guess since we are only Monday, Wednesday, Fridayers. I am really tempted to add and make the 5 days, but it is a really long drive and it is really early. I just need to keep trying to get some kind of work out in on my off days.

1 comment:

  1. Hahah No tattoo's for me thank you very much im way to much of a chicken!!!
